Research and Incubation Cell


“The Research and Incubation Cell” functions as a multidisciplinary hub for research incubation inside our college campus. Its main goal is to develop a vibrant research culture in our academic community that supports creative thinking and entrepreneurial activities. This program adheres to the New Education Policy 2020’s guiding principles, which place a strong emphasis on the value of creativity, critical thinking, and transdisciplinary learning. The National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 emphasizes how important it is to support top-notch research in the system of higher education. Development, innovation, and research are essential components of raising the bar for the education provided by Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). A robust and vibrant higher education ecosystem, characterized by a strong concentration on research, innovation, and technological advancement, is important to address the societal challenges confronting our country. Research, Innovation, and Technology Development coming together provide the groundwork for Atma-Nirbhar Bharat (an India that is self-sufficient) to become a reality.

Incubation Centre is a space for new age entrepreneurs and young minds to transform their innovative ideas into viable business propositions. Our primary vision is to facilitate in creating a problem-solving innovative mindset in students and a culture of innovation-leveraging emerging technologies. Incubation will ensure that incubates have access to technological assistance which will be generated through mentors with multidisciplinary expertise. We encourage young enthusiasts with creative pursuits with an inherent zeal to be entrepreneurs to take advantage of this novel initiative.

Objectives: Research & Incubation Cell

  1. Physical Sciences
  • Nanomaterial Fabrication & their applications
  • Research based on fabrication of magnetic nanomaterials for magnetic storage devices, radar technologies and satellite communications.
  • Computational Techniques and their applications in physics
  • Exploring the “Vedic Math techniques” for UG/PG students
  • Solar Photovoltaic, Solar Thermal, Bio-Energy, Bio-fuels
  • Artificial Intelligence: ML Applications for Renewable Energy
  1. Chemical Sciences
  • Fabrication of daily life cosmetic products, pharmaceutical polymers, agriculture-based material.
  • Fabrication of Cellulose
  • Soil Testing Mechanisms
  • Water Testing for water purification involving students.
  • Nutraceuticals based on wines and fruits
  1. Biological Sciences:
  • Fisheries
  • Creation of vermicomposting in college campus involving students
  • Creation of herbal botanical garden by involving the UG/PG Students
  • Create disaster-resilient environment
  • Drug discovery for cancer, diabetes, obesity
  • Bio-fertilizers and Pest Biocontrol
  • Microbial fuel cells and bioenergy
  • Microalgae Research, Water Purification
  • Aging & Nutrition, Yoga & meditation to treat diseases
  1. Commerce
  • Inculcation of lab skills among students for commercial entrepreneurship.
  • In commerce, initiation of effective research based on social and current scenario like TAX calculation, GST etc.
  1. Humanities
  • Language Lab establishment
  • Creation of Faculty/student development Center to inculcate the professional skills
  • Creation of free thinker club
  • Creation of different types of software’s modules for administrative cum teaching-learning process.
  • . Clubbing the scientific temperaments with spiritualistic approach

Dr. Nirmal Singh

Dr. Virender Pratap Singh

Dr. Sapna Kumari

Dr. Kanika Kaondal

Dr. Hem Suman Jamwal