ChemiGreen Club
- About
- Meeting/Activity
- Members
CHEMIGREEN CLUB (July 2017-June 2023)
The Green Club which has the student members, strives to develop love of nature and adventure and
to instill awareness of the environment in the college community. It works for the upliftment and
conservation of trees and makes people aware of environmental problems such as deforestation, land
degradation, water pollution, and global warming caused by imprudent greeds of humans.
The activities of this club include:(on environmental awareness and
improvement of environment
• Organise seminars, debates, lectures and popular talks on environmental issues in the College.
• Campaign against plastic carry bags, use of loud speakers, fireworks, use of unnecessary horns
and promote recycling of glass and metals, accumulation of water in the neighbourhood water
• Field visit to environmentally important sites including polluted and degraded sites, wildlife
parks, etc.
• Organise rallies, marches, form human chains and perform street plays at public places with a
view to spread environmental awareness.
• Action based activities like tree plantation, cleanliness drives both within and outside the
College campus.
• Grow kitchen gardens, maintain vermin-composting pits, construct water-harvesting
structures in the College, practice paper recycling, etc.
• Prepare inventories of polluting sources and forward it to enforcement agencies.
• Maintenance of public places like parks and gardens both within and outside the College
• Mobilise action against environmentally unsound practices like garbage disposal in
unauthorised places, unsafe disposal of hospital wastes, etc.
• Beautify selected road side area with plants and flowers and put campaign boards to generate
• Motivate the students to keep their surroundings green and clean by undertaking plantation
of trees.
• Display banners to observe environmentally important days like World Ozone Day, World
Forestry Day, World Water Day, World Environment Day, etc.
• Motivate students to imbibe habits and lifestyle for minimum waste generation, source
separation of waste and disposing the waste to the nearest storage point.
• Organize tree plantation programmes, awareness programmes such as Quiz, Essay, Poster
competitions regarding various environmental issues.
• Organize Nature Trail in Wild Life Sanctuaries/Parks/Forest areas to know more about Biodiversity
S.No. | Session | Meeting/Activity |
| 2023-24 | |
Name | Desgination |
Dr. Rattan Chand Sharma | Convener |
Dr. Kalpana Bhandari | Member |
Ms Richa Sharma | Student Peer Educators |
Mr. Rohit | Student Peer Educators |
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