Research and Development Cell

At NSCBM Government College, Hamirpur, we are committed to shaping a brighter future for our students and our nation. Our institution stands as a beacon of higher education, where we prioritize the integration of research, innovation, and technology development into our educational framework, in alignment with the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020. We firmly believe that addressing the societal challenges of our country requires a robust higher education ecosystem with a strong emphasis on research and innovation.



Our vision is deeply rooted in the principles of Atma-Nirbhar Bharat, or a Self-Reliant India, which emphasizes the need for self-sufficiency and innovation. To achieve this vision, we have established a Research and Development Cell (RDC) within our institution, which is expected to play a pivotal role in catalyzing a research culture as mandated by NEP 2020.


The Role of Research and Development Cell

The Research and Development Cell (RDC) at NSCBM Government College serves as the nucleus for the promotion of quality research, innovation, and technology development within our Higher Education Institution (HEI). It acts as a catalyst for the creation of a vibrant research ecosystem that goes beyond traditional academics. Our RDC focuses on essential elements, including:

Human Resource: Empowering our faculty and students with the skills and resources necessary to excel in research.

Intellectual Capital: Nurturing a culture of intellectual curiosity, creativity, and critical thinking.

Governance and Financial Resources: Establishing sound governance practices and securing financial support for research initiatives.

Information Management System: Utilizing advanced information systems to streamline research processes.

Research Promotion & Guidance: Offering guidance, mentorship, and support to budding researchers.

Integrity and Ethics: Upholding the highest ethical standards in all research activities. Capacity Building: Fostering an environment for continual learning and skill development.

Research Monitoring: Ensuring that research outcomes are measurable and impactful

Our Commitment

The establishment of the RDC at NSCBM Government College is a testament to our commitment to creating new knowledge, a reliable research ecosystem, and intellectual growth that promotes quality research. We believe that our efforts will contribute significantly to the goal of a self-reliant India. These guidelines for the establishment of the RDC aim to create a conducive environment for enhanced research productivity, encourage collaboration across various sectors, and facilitate greater access to research resources and funding.


Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) for Plagiarism Prevention


Plagiarism is a grave offense that undermines the integrity of education and research, and it is our collective responsibility to prevent it. This SOP outlines the guidelines and procedures to prevent plagiarism within the Research and Development Cell (RDC) at NSCBM Government College, Hamirpur. The SOP applies to all individuals affiliated with our institution, including students, faculty, staff, and anyone engaged in on-campus or remote learning and research activities.


Guidelines for Faculty and Staff:


  1. Educational Responsibility: Faculty and staff are entrusted with upholding the highest standards of research integrity and promoting originality in their scholarly endeavors. They should actively educate students about plagiarism and emphasize academic honesty’s importance as a fundamental aspect of their educational journey.
  2. Proactive Plagiarism Prevention: Faculty and staff must proactively employ strategies to identify and prevent instances of plagiarism, thereby safeguarding the educational environment’s integrity. This includes using plagiarism detection software for assignments and papers.
  3. Reporting Suspected Plagiarism: In the event of suspected plagiarism, faculty and staff should promptly report such cases to the relevant academic authorities to ensure fairness and uphold academic standards.


  1. Orientation Programs: Incorporate discussions on plagiarism and the significance of academic integrity into orientation programs for new students, creating awareness from the outset of their academic journey.
  2. Workshops and Seminars: Organize workshops and seminars focused on educating students about proper citation and referencing, equipping them with the skills necessary to avoid unintentional plagiarism.
  3. Plagiarism Prevention Resources: Develop and disseminate plagiarism prevention guides and resources to both faculty and students, empowering them with the knowledge and tools to maintain academic honesty.


Guidelines for Students:

  1. Plagiarism Policies: Students must understand and abide by the institution’s plagiarism policies.
  2. Proper Citation and Referencing: Properly cite and reference all sources used in assignments, papers, and projects. Seek guidance from faculty or writing centers on proper citation methods if needed.


Guidelines for Authorities:


  1. Use of Plagiarism Detection Software: Encourage faculty to use plagiarism detection software for assignments and papers to identify potential cases of plagiarism.
  2. Investigation and Penalties: Investigate suspected cases of plagiarism following established institutional procedures. Apply appropriate penalties in accordance with institutional policies if plagiarism is confirmed.
  3. Record Keeping: Maintain records of plagiarism cases and outcomes for transparency and accountability.

For detailed information on academic integrity and prevention of plagiarism, please refer to the “UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION PROMOTION OF ACADEMIC INTEGRITY AND PREVENTION OF PLAGIARISM IN HIGHER EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS) REGULATIONS, 2018,” available at [UGC Academic Integrity Regulations 2018]-


NSCBM Government College, Hamirpur, is committed to upholding the highest standards of academic integrity and fostering an environment where originality and ethical research are celebrated. We encourage all members of our research community to adhere to these guidelines and promote a culture of academic honesty and integrity. Together, we can ensure that our research and development endeavors are grounded in the principles of integrity and originality.